
A two-year in-person mystery school sisterhood that delves into the sacred mysteries of the feminine body, unlocking the alchemical chambers within & oracular nature
The 2024-2026 Cohort is now F U L L.
The Next Cohort Begins Autumn 2025.
The waitlist for 2025 - 2027 will open Spring 2025.
Get on the Waitlist...
& receive notification when applications for 2025 open!

The Apprenticeship

You are invited to join us on the path of Divine Feminine Mastery, where we will be receiving teachings, wisdom, healing and embodied transmissions from 13 goddesses, and 13 plants over a two year period.
This course is a deep exploration and initiation into the Goddess Path, the Sacred Feminine, and Divine Feminine Mastery. This body of work, is a journey of remembrance and reclamation of our beauty, power and true self essence as embodied beings of light. We will work deeply with the womb space, our heart centers and our voice to awaken and expand our wild feminine creative power, sacred sexuality and sacred feminine sovereignty.
Each month we will be introduced to a different Goddess, one of her plant allies, one of her sacred tools and a medicine song to invoke or honour her. During the month, you will be invited to dive into deep connection with the Goddess and her plant ally as you prepare and work with tools of her craft.
During our weekend intensives together, our work will be held is a sacred container to allow for deep healing and transformational work to be processed, witnessed and transmuted. Embarking on this journey of feminine sovereignty may bring up emotional realms of grief, pain, anger, loss on a personal, ancestral and collective level.
We will explore the ancient lineages of the oracles while deepening into the inner mystery school of feminine divinity. This body of work, is a journey of remembrance and reclamation of our beauty, power, innocence and sovereignty as multidimensional embodied beings of light. We work deeply with our wombs, hearts and voice to awaken and expand our wild feminine creative power and sacred sexuality to become living conduits for the divine feminine wisdom. To be an oracle is to serve as a conduit between the realms of heaven and earth. It is to perceive with lucidity and unveil the divine feminine within. This entails awakening ancient wisdom and reclaiming one's true essence.
This apprenticeship is designed to provide a comprehensive learning experience within a safe container of sisterhood, where each sister will walk with the medicine tools of staff, distaff, drum, rattle, broom, black mirror & rosary.
THE FIRST YEAR is grounded the teachings of Earth medicine, and the cathonic feminine energies of nature. We remember our true self, our medicine, and reclaim our voices, power, innocence and oracular nature that is deeply connection to nature, the elements and the Earth.
THE SECOND YEAR we work with the celestial energies, reclaiming the multi-dimensional aspects of self, our stargates, activating our quantum light body to support our soul ascension and sovereignty as divine creator beings.
Together, we journey though the wheel of the year, attuning to, listening and connect with the rhythms of nature, our ancestors and our inner gnosis. Between the weekend intensives, you will be invited to transformational rituals at Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara and Beltane. In addition, monthly medicine ceremonies are offered to deepen your connection with the transmissions offered from each Goddess. The medicine ceremonies are optional, and an additional cost to the course, giving those sisters who feel called a opportunity to dive deeper into the initiatory work. Throughout the apprenticeship, each sister is encouraged to create and share an offering with the circle. This opportunity allows each woman to be seen, heard, witnessed, and supported in her personal growth, as well as in sharing her unique gifts and offerings with the world. To complete each year, each initiate embarks on a four-day Rite of Passage nature immersion initiation.
This is a powerful apprenticeship for mature students who are ready to fully reclaim their sovereignty.

To walk this path, is to embody ancestral multidimensional wisdom of Earth and Star that has been woven together by golden threads and filled with the sacred breath of life.
We do this work to know thy self, with the intention of fully occupying our physical vessels with our soul essence, to reclaim our power, to reclaim our innocence, to reclaim our voices and to harmoniously weave within realms of Unity consciousness.
We do this work in honor of Sophia, the original blueprints of Gaia, the original ancestors and elders, the lands, the stars, the elements our hearts and our essence.
Earthgate One – Sept 28th & 29th 10-5pm
Weaving the sisterhood of our hive
Womb-based shamanism practices
Connect with Sophia consciousness
Alchemical chambers / stargates of the body
Medicine of Sigil - Lemniscate
Introduction to mediumship / oracular work
Lady’s Mantle as Ally
Honey Bee as Ally
Womb-Voice connection through a medicine song
Altar creation & tending
Oct 5th 10-6pm - Geeth'n'Gow Ceremony and Medicine Making
Group Skills Practice - Date TBA
Earthgate Two – Freya – Oct 26 & 27th 10-5pm
Introduction to Norse animism
Meet the Goddess Freya
Staff / Seidthr divination work
Open plant diet with Angelica archangelica
Freya invocation chant in old Norse
Snake as Ally
Samhain Ceremony – Nov 1st 5pm-10pm
Group Skills Practice - Date TBA
Freya Medicine Ceremony – Nov 16th 10am-7pm
Earthgate Three – Nornir – Nov 30 & 31st 10-5pm
Meet the Nornir: Urd, Verdandi, Skuld
Distaff as a healing tool
Shamanic art of thread work
Introduction into quantum healing
Ancestral lineage work
Yew tree diet
Yew chant
Nornir invocation in old Norse
Yule Ritual – Dec 21st 5-10pm
Group Skills Practice - Date TBA
Nornir Medicine Ceremony – Dec 28 10-7pm
Earthgate Four – Valkaries – Jan 4 & 5th 10-5pm
Meet the Valkaries
Drum making
Death work (learn our dance & song death)
Introduction into psychopomp work
Feather work – energy healing
Valkarie invocation song in Old Norse
Valkaries Medicine Ceremony – January 18th 10-7pm
Group Skills Practice - Date TBA
Earthgate Five – Brigit - Feb 1-2nd 10-5pm
Meet the Goddess Bridgit
Introduction into Celtic animism
Weave Brigid’s cross
Element Fire
Element Water
Fire sipping
Brigit song in Gaelic
Imbolc Ritual – Feb 1st 5-9pm
Group Skills Practice - Date TBA
Brigit Medicine Ceremony – March 1st
Earthgate Six – Hekate – March 15 & 16th 10-5pm
Shadow work
Unity consciousness
Oracular arts
Black mirror
Owl medicine
Henbane plant diet
Hekate invocation
Oracular healing ceremony
Ostara Ritual – March 22nd 12-4pm
*Hekate Medicine Ceremony – March 29th
Group Skills Practice - Date TBA
Earthgate Seven – Artemis – April 26/27th
Meet Artemis
Yoni smoking
Broom work / broom Making
Shamanic flight
Dream work
Mugwort plant diet
Oracular healing ceremony
Rite of Passage Preparation
Beltane Ritual – May 3rd 12-4pm
Group Skills Practice - Date TBA
{4 day isolation nature emersion initiation}
Rite of Passage Integration – May 31
-- Year 2 dates TBA --
Stargate One - Hathor
Meet Goddess Hathor through journey & mediumship
Meet the Hathor Nation (Star beings) & Seraphim
Sound medicine / light language
Hathor chant
Merkaba light body activation
Introduction into quantum healing
Connection to unity consciousness grids
DNA healing & light code activation
Spider as Ally
Frankincense as Ally
Stargate Two - Isis
Meet Goddess Isis through journey and mediumship
Sirius as an ally
Medicine of Sigil – Ankh
Ankh chant, breath, and movement practice
Multi-dimensional soul retrieval
Quantum healing continued
Dragon lines
Blue lotus as Ally
Stargate Three - Mother Mary
Meet Mother Mary through journey and mediumship
Temple of Sophia healing
Pleiadian star beings
Water blessings / oil anointing
Rose bead rosary
Aramaic Mother Mary invocation
White rose as Ally
Stargate Four - Mary Magdalene
Meet Mary Magdalene through journey & mediumship
Heiros gamos / bridal chamber
Womb sipping
Staff work / Kundalini breath
Aramaic Mary Magdalene invocation
Snake as Ally
Red rose as Ally
Stargate Five – Quan Yin
Meet Quan Yin & her dragons
Inner child connection
Dragon light body activation
Water ritual
Dragon Rattles
Quan Yin chants
White lotus as Ally
Stargate Six – White Buffalo Calf Women
Meet White Buffalo calf women
Inipi ceremony
Tobacco as Ally
White buffalo honoring song
{4 day isolation nature emersion initiation}
Integration & Closing Circle
Wheel of the Year Rituals 2024 AND 2025
Samhain Ceremony – Nov 1st 5pm-10pm
Yule Ritual – Dec 21st 5-10pm
Imbolc Ritual – Feb 1st 5-9pm
Ostara Ritual – March 22nd 12-4pm
Beltane Ritual – May 3rd 12-4pm
*Monthly medicine ceremonies are an optional addition to the course. The cost of medicine ceremonies is not included in the course cost.

One-time payment of $9000 OR
Monthly payments of $400 for 24 months
What is Included
Plant medicine: Take home plant medicine to work with after each weekend.
Homework assignments, animist practices & rituals
Audio recordings: Guided meditations, transmissions, and sound journeys.
Online community platform: Receive regular energy updates, activations and ongoing support from your sisterhood hive.
Exclusive event invites: Participate in optional harvesting, medicine making, and medicine ceremonies.
Access to book 1:1 sessions: energy healing, spiritual mentoring, herbal consultations, and medicine ceremonies with Megan. Megan only offers 1:1 sessions to apprentices and alumni. *Cost is additional.
Refund Policy
You may withdraw from the course within 24 hours after the completion of the first weekend if the material and course style does not resonate with you. Please note that an $800 deposit will be retained. If you wish to withdraw from the course for any reason thereafter, you are required to complete the full tuition payment.
More details to come!


“After a two year plant spirit mentorship
program, I enrolled into the ‘Oracles of Sophia’ with Megan Waddy. Humility, Reverence, and Commitment are thevalues that come from my heart about this work. Sitting, witnessing and deep listening in sisterhood, as we explore and awaken the ancestral gifts that have been slumbering in our blood and bones for too long, maybe even lifetimes. This is about getting out of our own ways and bringing down the magnificence of our higher selves in every waking moment.
It’s a journey through the 13 goddesses and moons with so much diligence, time and work. Megan is the epitome of who should be sharing this sacred knowledge, and enlivening it to the world at this time - and is so generous with her mastery. I can’t express the dire need of this, or my unending gratitude at being able to participate. It has changed the trajectory of my spirit and the work I will do while I’m here. If everyone intentionally walked the path of their divine sovereign blueprint - with devotion, how extraordinary could that be?
A thousand blessings,
& Zhawenamiishinam,
Coco Jones

“It is a journey like no other. If you feel the call to deeply connect with your feminine wounds, sovereignty and true self essence then you have found the place of expansion. Megan has a way of holding your hand as you and your sisters (for that is what the other women of this hive will become) walk to new edges you didn't even know were there, to new parts of yourself, forgotten until found. She is an alchemist of spaces so that you may journey into the deepest reaches of your own power, gifts and energy centers. You will dance with the bees, sing with the wind and step into the cave of your own womb. If none of this makes sense now, know that the knowledge is within you and Megan will be your impeccable guide to it. This apprenticeship is held within a deeply feminine way, the lessons are brought by the Oracles and Goddesses themselves and will change to support each individual in the room. I truly encourage all women of every stage to embark on this path back to the true essence of yourself and to learn in the way our ancestors did.
Bronwen Summers

“There are times in one’s life when everything is mysteriously lined up for a pivotal change, altering the trajectory of one’s focus and experience. I have been long inviting and waiting for the right catalyst to
trigger this shift in my Being, often times with great impatience, attempting many diverse paths of exploration. I intuitively knew it was coming. The beginning of my journey of healing with Megan Waddy and taking her course, The Oracles of Sophia, has irrevocably tumbled me down the ‘Rabbit Hole’ to awaken me to a magical world of transformation and empowerment. The path of discovery of my True Essence, as a Divine Being in a magnificent Universe, has led me through healings on multiple levels of body, mind and spirit, through beautiful energetic openings and into deep Sisterhood, in a safe and profound container. There is a magnification of experience, when Sisters come together, in learning and exploration under the masterful guidance of one as talented and experienced as Megan. Her course is Divinely guided and full of joy, humour, song, love and healing. I highly recommend it for those on the path of self discovery and service to humanity and the earth.
With immense gratitude,
Forever a student of Life,

"I’ve been a student of Megan’s for 4 years. Two years in Plant Spirit Apprenticeship, and 2 years studying within the Goddess Path. I have always been a seeker in search of a better way of living within the boundaries and constraints of a catholic upbringing. I was taught, then, that Spirit was outside of myself, and that I needed an intermediary to connect with the God essence. Through Meg’s teachings I have come to understand that the God essence is within me and I can access Her at any time. A blessing in it’s truest form. I have sat in the shade of a ancient tree and been showered by sparks of light with the touch of a cedar bough. I have learned how to use the ancient Celtic and Norse teachings to further my connection with Spirit. I have stepped outside myself and spoken in the voice of Mugwort, Isis, Hathor and Mother Mary. All of this found within the safe circles that Meg created for me and for others. Meg is a knowledge keeper, and a wondrous fine teacher. I look forward to learning that which she is willing to share, and I am grateful.
With unending gratitude"
Deborah Lomas

“It can be difficult to actually develop and expand into our full souls potential if we are caught in the grips of false light new age fluff. Megan is a breath of fresh air compared to much of this "fluff" I've found myself tangled up with in the past. It is crystal clear that she has not only dedicated herself to this work, but she embodies it too. There isnothing superficial or shallow about Megan or this apprenticeship. No fluff. No BS. One of the reasons I trust her so deeply is precisely because she has proven to me that she has the capacity, skills, and training to adequately hold space for anything that arises. She has been through the initiatory rites and faced her shadows. What I appreciate so much about this apprenticeship is that the container, the practices, all feel grounded in
integrity and safety. Many of us women carry wounding when it comes to relationships with other women, which might make it feel a little scary to connect to our sacred femininity with a circle of women. I am pleased to share that I personally have found so much healing within this container of sisterhood; a sisterhood rooted in respect, compassion, and love. This path is less about acquiring a "title" to call yourself, and more about taking an honest look at yourself, dropping into intimate self-knowing, connecting to the divine in a clear coherent way, and being held in loving sisterhood.
This path will call you in to do your own inner self-work. It will invite you into your own shadows...and it will hold a mirror for you to see your own medicine.
While I cannot promise or guarantee any particular result from walking this path, I am confident that anyone who does so will not be the same on the other side. Beautiful, magical, transformative, and totally vulnerable... in the best way!!
Brittany Boyer

“The Oracles of Sophia apprenticeship is a transformative journey involving expansion, growth, and so much magic. This container has held me in deep connection with other women, and provided a safe space to get out of my comfort zone and nurture new skill sets, while supporting other women to do the same. Delving into the realms of goddesses, ancestral women’s wisdom, and plant medicine, I cultivated a profound connection to the divine feminine. The rituals, songs and teachings have helped me tap into my creative side while also connecting me to a deep sense of inner-knowing. This has provided healing, as well as guided me toward a greater spiritual awareness. This program encouraged and expanded my knowledge and consciousness, while also fostering personal growth, making it an invaluable experience on my path of self-discovery.
Kaitlin Christie
Frequently Asked Questions....
What if I miss a weekend?
Attendance at the weekend gateways is mandatory due to the intensity of the work and the ongoing deepening of connection within the sisterhood of the hive.
If you are sick and unable to attend, you will have a partner assigned to you who can help explain the missed transmissions.
After each gateway, you will receive a note package, and there are monthly practice sessions where you can catch up on any missed content. Please note that no recording is permitted during class.
What is Rite of Passage?
The Rite of Passage ceremony is an initiation where sisters sit in solitude and meditation with minimal food and water in nature for four days. It is a time to deepen your relationship with a plant spirit, Goddess, nature, and yourself. Rite of Passage ceremonies are a powerful and traditional way of working with spirit to honor them, deepen your connection, dream with them, and have direct experiences with subtle realms and self. Plant medicines are brought to the initiate each day, prepared in a sacred manner to help you connect with their spirit and consciousness both physically and spiritually.
As we fast and sit in nature, our beings become clearer, allowing the vibration of the plant and the facilitating Goddess to enter more deeply. This relationship allows the Goddess and Higher Self to initiate the individual into the next level of awakening and soul ascension. The sacred ingestion of the plant helps to ground and integrate new levels of consciousness into the physical body, adapting it to a higher vibration and changing cellular structure. Through these initiatory processes, we remember who we are, connecting with all our multidimensional aspects, our full light body potential, and our relations on the planet and beyond.
Every Goddess acts as a mirror for an aspect of yourself. Deepening relationships with goddesses and plants also deepens relationships with parts of yourself, restoring and nourishing the integrity and ecology of your body, soul, and spirit. These initiations can restore you to your “wholeness of being,” bringing you into connection with your true self. They help you remember who you truly are, where you come from, and reveal your path forward. In this way, Goddesses and plant spirits become some of your greatest teachers, healers, allies, and protectors. They can initiate you into understanding how your wounds and traumas can become your greatest medicines and gifts, ultimately transforming you into living embodiments of medicine.
Healing can occur physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, benefiting the individual, the plant, the Earth, and the collective. At this time of great transformation on Earth, the plants and Goddesses are bringing forth important messages to assist our awakening and evolution, helping us remember our ancient origins.
Medicine Ceremonies
Plant medicine ceremonies offer a profound opportunity for personal and collective transformation. These ceremonies involve engaging with the spirit of entheogenic medicines to support healing, personal growth, and a deepening connection to oneself and Spirit. The medicine responds to each individual's intentions and conditions, connecting them to the knowledge, experiences, and consciousness that are right for them at that moment. It brings truth and love in a way that transcends the mind and ego, acting as a bridge to one's inner self, the universe, their spirit, and soul. Through this process, individuals can see themselves more clearly and truly "know thyself."
Although each ceremony is guided by a Goddess, initiatory rite, and mystery school teaching, participants have the choice of what they wish to open up to during a ceremony. Intentions are powerful, serving as the "container" within which the medicine works. The medicine does not do the healing for you but partners with you, helping you move through blocks or barriers and open to new levels of understanding. This journey may require facing fears or embracing one's magnificence, but ultimately, it is a journey from the head to the heart.
These ceremonies provide a powerful opportunity to deepen your connection with your inner wisdom, cleanse and transform traumas, and remove patterns that block your connection to your true essence. In each medicine ceremony, Megan channels the Goddess through sound healing, energy healing, and activations. The group forms a "hive" of shared experience, where each woman remains within her sovereign container yet is woven into the interconnected fabric of one womb, one heart. As the course progresses, the transformative alchemy of the medicine journeys intensifies, with the hive of women becoming more clear, sovereign, aligned, attuned, and connected to their higher selves and source.
Medicine ceremonies are an optional addition to the course. The cost of medicine ceremonies is additional.